I’m going to talk briefly about our increasing money supply, decreased GDP, possible inflation, how it played out in Argentina and simple steps you can start taking today.  Just turn up your speakers and click anywhere on the video to start playing:

Let me know your thoughts on the video by commenting below…any other insights that you want to add?

I encourage you to sign up for >> SurviveInPlace.com << right now.  The lessons you learn today may be necessary to protect your family tomorrow.

Remember, if you have any problems, it’s backed with a 100% money back guarantee.

    98 replies to "Surviving Inflation"

    • August

      I am interested in your monthly offering in SurviveInPlace .com.
      Is it possible for me to send monthly payments by money order to your
      Thanks, August

      [We don’t take money orders, but I will accept pre-1965 silver coinage at 13x face value. -Dave]



    • Ronald Greek

      Video never works well with my crappy AOL connection.

      Is your information available in text?

      [Dave’s note: We cover this in writing in the course, but I don’t have this particular video transcribed. Here are the URLs that I cover:



    • Roy Messer

      Social chaos of a kind never seen in America is waiting,poised to strike an unsuspecting civilization.To not be prepared could contribute to the worst kind of failure.Three things are necessary,Bible,survival guide and a 45cal pistol.

    • Mike

      Thanks for the continued “teaser” info. Everything I’ve seen to date seems like good info. Please keep sending. Pretty sure I’m going to sign up soon.


    • billy

      i agree with messer,and as mike says please keep sending.money is tight will sign up soon

    • Judith

      I agree with Billy, Mike and Roy and Richard all of the above. Home storage has been started and there’s been times when I’ve had to use it. It’s Very important.

    • Brenda

      My family has been through this course. It was the best money I have spent in recent months other than our preparedness preparations. At $27.00 a month for three months, you can’t afford not to take this course. We have been preparing since Y2K but this course really helped us organize and do a better job.

    • Barbara

      Thanks for the 3 sample lessons–good practical info & strategies! Will be glad to get more ’til we decide what to do next.

      Preparation for the certainty of facing eternity by trusting in Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior is the most basic and necessary, but living in a wise and responsible way in regard to these temporal things is also important. I appreciate the thought and research that have gone into this series.

    • Army Mom

      Best thing to do is be prepared, for anything and have it all ready in back packs for each member if you have to leave the home. With this crazy talk of 2012 in view, we have to watch out for the nut jobs, let alone what the media is pushing about world end. The Urban survival Plan is your complete training guide for any problem that maybe brewing in our country.

    • edmund samph

      I agree with the guy that says a bible is mandatory for survival: Basic
      Instructions Before Leaving Earth.In proverbs it state that a fool rushes blindly ahead into trouble, but a wise man carefully decides his course and carefully steps aside to avoid trouble. Perhaps that is the most difficult asking God to give you the wisdom to know what the right thing to do is, and doing it at the right time. The reality is we do not all have the money or resources to become another “rambo” but we can and should make wise choices with the resources God has given us(good stewardhsip). Probably the best palce to start is to pray and ask God for wisdom in knowing what to do…

    • Ray


      Great video and so true about the coming storm of economic troubles. This nation is reaping what we are sowing. Some of us that grew up in the 70’s know what inflation is, unemployment and high interest rates. The next financial train wreck will make the sevenities look like a walk in the park. It doesn’t take a phd economist to figure this one out.

      Keep up the good work in educating those who want to survive this next national crisis created by these socialist. Many say buy gold and silver but food, water, fuel, medical supplies, and ammo could be the currency of the future.

    • Steven Rodger

      I have been thinking of this problem for a while, and this video reeforces my thoughts.

    • Katherine

      David, this is good sound everyday advice. It’s like having a food/consumables investment account. Accumulate, deposit regularly (especially when items are on sale), and use as necessary. You will always have the items you regularly use on hand, and save money in the long run because you have the luxury of buying them on sale and not at regular or inflated prices. If consumables become scarce, you will have a happy family; and if consumable do not become scarce, you will still have a happy family!

    • Being ready to ride out any type of disaster, monetary or physical, is a new path we are taking. I have turned your web address over to my Employer and have made the point to become the formost survivalist in my county. I will be joining your course this week. I look forward to having some training from a profesional.

      The comments and statements above are all from very smart people. Why? because they have all made contact with you. I am proud to be among the people in the world, that are not going to be as much of a burden as the unprepared.

      Thank you Dave.

      I have one more comment. As my web store is listing items to sell for basic survival, are there any recomended certificates that I can obtain that will improve my stature in the public eye? I plan on getting C.E.R.T. and then using a booth type show at street fairs to educate our local town and county. We live in San Banito County, Ca. If you look at a fault map you will see that we straddle the San Andreas Fault. Being prepared is our target. We want our neighbors to think like us so we do not get involved in robery or looting.

      Thank you again,

      Zach DeVoe

    • Flaco

      My wife is from Buenos Aires and has taught me some interesting lessons about surviving inflation. Her lessons have helped us engineer our supply list and what we consider important.

      Thank you for the great video!

    • Jeremy

      It’s always interesting when you compare the health of our country to others when they are a little further in the process, like Greece for example. The GDP vs. inflation factor is only one of many that’s telling us to have a keen sense of awareness when it comes to preparing for whatever scenario it is that will eventually break our country/economy down.

    • Jeannie

      I have completed this course a few months ago, but still get the weekly newsletters (which I look forward to each week) I think this course is especially helpful for those who would like to get on board, but just don’t know where to start. Because the students are given just one chapter to read each week, we have time to thoroughly understand, practice, and prepare for whatever that lesson was about. So it is easy to stay focused without being overwhelmed. My family has been preparing and stocking up for about 20 years now. Nothing has been wasted, we rotate what we save. Some long-term survival food (rice, beans, dry milk, etc.) gets replaced every 5 – 7 years. In all my experiences of preparedness, this single course has helped me more that all the rest COMBINED. Not only does the course cover the basics and then some, it provides outside sources for all kinds of books and related materials. I am so thankful I was able to take this course. It has given me such confidence if being better prepared. This is something not to procrastinate on!!! DO IT!!

    • terrific video on the problems we are about to face…thank you GW

    • Larry D.

      Have orderd your books,waiting like its Christmas to receive them. So true was your video. We have all seen the coverage of mobs over seas, that can be here next! Be prepared!

    • Great info to remember, one thing humans do most is forget the past for a better tommorrow…hope this wakes us up and we ALL remember !

    • Dutch

      I am reminded of the distinct probability of Clinton’s having signed an Executive Order stipulating that anyone with a badge may enter into your home, (arbitrarily) “determine” that you have in excess of two (2) weeks supply of food, and confiscate the total amount of food you have.

      The distribution: first, to the President and the Congress (the troublemakers); next, to the Armed Services; and last, to Law Enforcement.

      There is NO mention of the people, the folks who pay all the biils.

    • smoothbore

      It’s time to turn as much paper as you dare to .999 silver grain,
      can be weighed out for barter. Ya can’t buy a can of beans with a
      gold coin. One can keep it on hand in many places, beany babies,
      fish tank. At almost $20 per oz. it’s a poor man’s hedge

    • David

      Hey Smoothbore,

      I would actually recommend against .999 silver grain. I’ve got some. I like it. But I don’t think it will ever be valuable for barter because of testing. People who know how to test silver and gold will be able to buy non-standard silver & gold at a discount because there won’t be that many people who can test and accept it for payment.

      As an alternative, I’d suggest silver Eagles, silver Maple Leaves, and, even better…junk silver. Junk silver is pre 1965 US coinage. It’s too small to counterfeit, and it is an accepted form of payment already. In addition, it’s hard to beat being able to buy things in that small of increments.

    • Frank K.

      Dear David – As a history major , if I have learned nothing else , from my time at Philly’s Temple Univ (about a hundred years ago), I DO remember that NOT ONE SINGLE kingdom , country , or nation that was based on “fiat (paper money only) ever survived destruction (usually internally) I don’t give a rat’s pa-tootie whether gold / silver goes up , or down …. The one thing I DO remember , however , is that UNLIKE paper money , in the last 2,500 years , both gold and silver have NEVER been worth Z-E-R-O … Just bought your 12-week course ; can’t wait to begin listening …. Best regards , …. Frank K . (N.Va.)

    • sherie

      Have a stockpile started but biggest concern is medication for my husband who has a heart condition. Have been studying herbal ahd holistic alterntives. I forgot batteries and will remedy that one and I’m sure I don’t have enough water stored.Have saved silver coins for years but wondered if spices(as shown historically)or herbs or seeds would be good barter tools-wouldn’t want to barter ammo or food particularly -when will we be able to get more? Do you cover in the course how to keep the weapons you currently own?(a couple were registered)

    • norm

      Thank you for doing this, I checked it out, and there is great information in your posts etc…. I’m not going to join only because I already have a plan in place that is multifunctional, and my wife and inlaws etc are aware of it as well. Our way of life is under atack, our constitution is being shredded, and our futures are being sold to the global elites. Good luck to all of you, who have “woken up” to the way things are unfolding. Whenever the “Situation” occurs those of us who are visiting, and planning for the future, will only survive if others are unaware of your plans. God bless!

    • Alice Fredrick

      Thanks for all the great tips.

    • I’ve gone one step further…when I put out a roll toilet paper, I take a sharpee and write the date on the inside of the roll so when I replace it, I know how long ONE roll will last under “normal” circumstances. Then I can multiply that by how many rolls I need and voila’! I know how much toiletpaper I need for one year. I’ve done the same thing with my toothpaste, shampoo, cream rinse and deodorant…once I found out how long they last, I bought a year’s worth and set it aside, replacing what I use, date and set aside again. I did all this, in about a year, only buying a little extra here and there. It works even on my minimum income.

    • David ….RE : the above.
      I was mistaken .just didn’t recognize the format ( Stupidly ) , I sincerely apologise .
      Thanx fopr the info and attempting to alert the citizens that we must be better prepared for what might ( MIGHT ?? ) be coming. ….. newt .

    • aj

      Thanks for showing the US trend and what happened in Argentina when a similar situation presented itself. This trend should definitely be a red flag for us here.

    • Irene

      Thank you so much for the information you are providing. I have been working on my food supply and yes, it is easy to buy a little at a time. When I buy a can of soup, I buy more than one. As I use one I replace it with it with two. Being on a limited income, this is working well for me. I am also storing it in various parts of my house so it is not all in one place. That way, people who visit my house, don’t know I’ve stocked up.

    • Linda

      Looks like great information. I will purchase this soon.
      Thanks for the sample information too, it all helps.

    • Outstanding! At last, someone else with their head screwed on straight. Keep up the good info for the “common” man. God bless you, Brother.

    • southern Patriot

      I keep pinching myself thinking that I will wake up and this will all go away. I don’t think it will. My options are limited for me and family,do we throw in the towel without so much as a fight or take a stand in what I/We believe in,or do I say “I’m as mad a H*** and were not going to take it any more” , and I defend what is mine and I help to defend my community and this great nation. As for me and my family give me liberty or give me death. The one thing that my dad gave me was common sense and brother you better believe were going to take a stand for God and country. The one thing we taught our kids in the scouts was to be prepared. I think that is what we’ll do. Thanks for listening. God Bless everyone. An american Patriot

    • Todd

      been on board with sockpiling for years my dads been talking about this kinda stuff for years.2o years to be exact.and everyone should think about some kinda personalprotection program.firears are great but one might not be able get access intime to be afective.theres all kinds of martialarts available on dvd oron the net.I recomend seaking somekinda school or y.m.c.a. thanks for reading.

    • Saundra

      Thank you for the information.
      God bless

    • johnie

      Thanks for the input. You should put a small Bible in your get go pack. When I was in the service, the Ones who said they did not need God where the first to call on Him but that is one of the problems with or country. We have forgotten that the constitution was created on His word, the Bible.
      May God be with use

    • charles coryn


      I’m an ol’timer, 73, retired and currently living in Morgan County in eastern Tn. I left Lake Worth, Florida, five years ago, as soon as possible following my retirement, and now I’m on a remote 5 acres with an old, old spring and plenty of firewood and garden space. I was able to escape the city and start again up here, but I know that’s not possible for everyone. Other solutions are required.

      I can recommend the Urban Survival Plan even though I’ve not seen it, as I learned the truth beginning in the early 1970’s that our money system was being debased by our own Federal Reserve Bank. We thought the inevitable economic depression, monetary collapse and new currency would occur in the 70’s or 80’s, but miraculously by wagering the entire wealth of the country we have kept the economy moving forward, until now we are so far in debt it is inconceivable that we will ever pay it off, we must renege on it and debase our currency to the point of destroying it. The future will likely be as nothing we’ve ever seen before.

      For years I had thought I could escape the city when trouble arose, but now I know this to be a mirage. Consider, if the whole population is in trouble at the same time, it will be exceedingly dangerous and difficult to do anything. There will always be those worse off than you, who will want what little you may have, who will try to take it from you.

      So, if you can’t move out to the country, where granted there is little more assurance of safety than in the city, only the illusion perhaps, then by all means use this course and everything else you can think of for your self-preservation. I remember reading once all I could find on how the Jews and Poles survived the Nazis during WWII. Some survived, through a combination of skills, audacity and good fortune. You must learn as much as possible concerning your possible future environment, and what will be required of you, and this program should go a long way towards achieving that goal. Good luck to all…….

    • Steve

      I live in a rural area and what concerns me most is there is no talk on protecting the farmers. When this hits, the grocery shelves will be empty in a day, and then they will start moving out. The farms will be under attack! All rural Patriots will need to form militias to help protect the family farms. Here is a good video that will explain what to expect in the very near future.


    • mike duncan

      Any recommendations/comments about the wisdom of purchasing a solar generator?

    • Having spent extensive time in Europe, The Balkans, East Africa, the Middle East and Mexico during times of political strife and unrest I can tell you from experience that gold and precious gems are number one bartering tools outside of food and water.
      Dried and freezed dried goods are primary food staples in most situations. However the UN now has a peanutbutter based concoction called Neuse which they are distributing to impoverised nations which is stocked full of protein, carbs and essential minerals and vitimans. I believe that Neuse will become the worlds primary emergency food source inside of the next 5 years. It can apparently be made in home relatively easy and can likely be made with a variety of legumes making it extremely versatile, easy to store and reproduce.
      Flour, beans and rice will always hold great value as well but storing flour can be tricky especially where there are a lot of larva laying vectors and humidity.
      Manual sewing machines/kits are also invaluable since clothes shopping would likely become obsolete as well.
      Disinfectants and sterelizing compounds such as peroxide and rubbing alchohol are also essentials you should not go without and if you can get them I recommend a couple KWIKKLOT or other clotting powders for your emergency trauma kit which should also contain clean bandages, a bar or two of handsoap, tweezers, paramedic scissors, a suture kit, tournaquete and some syringes. Tincture and or Iodine are also recommended but watch those expiration dates.
      A good machete or two will prove priceless as well as any small military style folding shovels. Both can double as weapons.
      Water will likely be available in one form or another and so storing mass quantities (which will go bad quickly) is not highly recommended. rather if you can but in a well with a hand pump on your property I’d recommend this instead.
      Lastly, a utility belt, good boots, gloves and a good rucksack are likely to be used extensively so I recomment having a pair or more of each of these stored and ready but be careful to store them in a dry place where there is little exposure to sunlight and don’t forget spare laces!
      Just my humble 2 cents, thank you.

    • My apologies but the food source Nuese I made reference to above has actually tily been named “Plumpy’Nut” rather than Nuese as it was originally described to me. Please excuse my misinformation here.

    • Bettye

      In the Las Vegas, NV area, several of our grocery stores have neen running sales on many of their staple items for several weeks. There is a purchase requirement of usually 10 items, but the savings is $5. I have stocked up and hope others are taking advantage while this is available. It isn’t just canned vegetables, but many other things.

      Also, I am sure there must be a list of suggested “must have” items somewhere on the site.

    • Darrell

      We are supposed to ‘be prepared’, that’s what every boy/girl scout has been not taught but not all learned. No matter what the condition, food shortage, home invasion, devaluation of the dollar, marxist president, or just a flat tire on the car.
      I’ve been living in louisiana for a few years, the folks down here laughed at me for having some spare food and always checking my car and bugout bag… Enter Katrina, guess their not laughing anymore.
      Did they learn anything form it, NO, only that there are better free rides out there to mooch from. We are now heading for a diferent kind of desaster.

    • malcolm

      Hi All,I think there is a lot of scare mongering,yes the world is in a bad shape, and yes use common sense, but doomsday will come as the Bible says it will come, also be ware your hearts dont fail you through fear, by the way are most of you Mormons?? Keep living, death will over take you in its own time

    • Ron

      We all need to Humble ourselves and Pray, Seek GOD’S FACE asking HIM for Wisdom and he will give it to us liberally…GOD RICHLY BLESS You & Your Family during these exciting times we’re presently living in…

    • Keith

      Just a couple of comments regarding the Federal Reserve and the predicament we find ourselves in. First of all the Federal Reserve is not a Federal Government entity. It is privately owned and operated as a Central Bank and is how our own money supply system was created as a fractional reserve system, which took the power away from of our own government to print money and gave it to them. It was founded in 1913 on Jekyll Island off the Coast of Georgia and was the brainchild of JP Morgan and two of the Rockefellers and three other gentlemen. As wealthy bankers they had tried, through the cooperation of our own Congress and our President at that time President Woodrow Wilson who ended up saying it was the worst thing he did during his presidency, on prior occasions to create such a Central bank, but this time it was passed. One of the things that countries that have Central Banks like ours do when they go to war is they are desperate to borrow whatever it takes to fight those wars. Sometimes it takes vast amounts of money to fight that war and it’s impossible to obtain those sums through either borrowing them or through taxes, so they borrows what it needs from its Central bank. From what I have both read and heard on the subject and you can read the books, “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, by G. Edward Griffin, or “End the Fed”, Ron Paul, both excellent books on the subject. Also if you’re interested in watching a DVD there is a three and half hour documentary called “The Money Masters” that was made in 1995 that you can buy from Amazon like I did and it was excellent, or I hear you can catch it on You Tube. Anyhow from what I have read countries not only borrow from their Central Banks (their federal Reserve’s) for war, they also lend money to the other side of the battle and have done so during World War One, World War Two, and other wars. By doing so the banks make more money on the rebuilding of the victor and the side that get’s beaten. I’m not an economist and cannot explain either book, or the film in its technical detail but I can say that from the film clip I saw from today’s email of “Survive in Place,” when I saw the drop in our GNP I understood why and it had nothing to do with the reasons to why the Federal Reserve wants us to believe. We are in debt because we are nation driven by debt, Trillions of dollars in debt, and it has been created that way with our Governments knowledge. Both Congress and the President know of the Federal Reserve’s creation and its intent and they do nothing to stop its continued rise of the debt creation of our nation. Please, go do your own homework and see for yourself.

      Thank you


    • Jean

      Be watchful and stock up, and leave the rest to God.

    • Mary A

      I am a long time survivalist who has been aware for too many years to tell. Old scout leader and I lived in my formative years in an area with more then the normal share of Mormons.. they learned the hard way to keep a year’s supply of things they might need. Would we all be as prudent! I moved over 20 years ago when we retired to a small area wqhere these lessons are prudent.. Our small area is experiencing a high rate of growth. Humm I wonder how many others are doing what I did? WE have several groups working on survivalist things but calling themselves by other names to try to give a clue but staying under the radar so to speak. I certainly7 hope they are all preparing as each other person prepared, is that much safer for me! Bless you all and keep the faith..

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